Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day Fashion

If you follow this blog, you've probably learned a little bit about my husband, Torrey, and his - let's just call it  "unique" - sense of style.  He is all about dressing for the occasion - we have the largest Halloween costume assortment of anyone I know.  During Oktoberfest you'll see him in his "town drunk" hat, during Christmas lighting he sports a scrooge top hat, and most recently has become OBSESSED with wearing lederhosen.  (we are in "Bavaria" after all...) 

So on this particular Father's Day, Torrey prepared to go golfing by putting together golfing attire reminiscent of Payne Stewart meets Rodney Dangerfield.  Knickers - yes.  plaid - uh huh.  Patriot - indeed.  Crazy - fo' sure. 

Those of you who know me well - know that I like to analyze EVERYTHING, so here I am analyzing my husband's obsession with unique "look at me" fashion.  The attention must be a big part of it - it's as if he's performing some sort of role (like when you visit Disney World and everyone is "in character") and wants to make sure the crowd is pleased by his performance.  He certainly gets a reaction out of people, which I KNOW he loves b/c he is always trying to get some sort of reaction out of me.  Whatever the reason - I've come to appreciate this side of him and have taken a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" approach" on many occasions.  (although you will not see me in knickers anytime soon!)

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