Wednesday, August 27, 2008

& she's off......

Did I mention I have a roommate? I've known Allison forever (at least it feels like forever). We met for the first time in fifth grade. It was my very first day at a new school and I happened to be sitting in the desk directly behind Alli. She turned around and very matter-of-fact asked me if I wanted one of the cookies she had made the night before. She assured me that although she made them without the flour they called for they tasted just fine. I really don't recall if I accepted or politely declined- all I really remember was her orange shoe laces and black tennis shoes.

Nearly two decades later I find myself feeling as excited and anxious as she is for her 3 week vacation in France & Italy. Our comfortably compact apartment has been a buzz preparing for her trip.
We went over all the bills that would come in while she is out (yes.... Alli handles our finances). She tried on a variety of "travel outfits" and weighed the pros & cons of taking 3oz or less of hair product. I worked earnestly trying to convince her of the value in the perfect wrap cardigan and light weight summer scarf (push came to shove and she found the ideal wrap cardi' at Banana and is borrowing one of my summer scarves).

I dropped her off at the airport yesterday. Unlike the rest of us that feel a little bit stressed and panicked before traveling overseas Alli was cool as a cucumber.
She "practiced packing" the weekend before- to ensure everything fit perfectly in her carry on. She had coordinated nearly every outfit given any travel situation. She had printed, highlighted and alphabetized each nights lodging. She even did a little Christmas shopping the week before leaving (not kidding).

Let it be said that Emma (my indoor bob cat) and I will miss her. We are also terribly excited to hear about her adventures. Especially since you are guaranteed a variety of unexpected experiences when traveling in a different country - even after practice packing, highlighting routes, alphabetizing and wearing the perfect summer scarf.
Speaking of unexpected travel adventures..... I'm reminded of the day I lost my wallet at the Cologne Germany train station. I was using the pay phone to call my bank and report the missing credit card when my train left the station- with all my luggage and friends aboard. After that experience I can no only spell but pantomime "stranded". The following 12 hours were likely the longest and scariest of my entire life (let the record show this was before cell phones).

Wishing Alli the best of travels and experiences. Au Revoir.

1 comment:

Willow said...

OMG....I am so excited to hear about All's trip. I think she is great. She is the reason we met! :)